Rainy Day

So all weekend I was studying for tests for today. Come to know that it was raining non-stop this morning. I wasn't even planning to go school,like why would I? It was raining I didn't wanna get my shoes wet and I didn't want to get sick. So I got ready for school and I went to catch my bus anyway.

While I'm waiting on the bus I went to call my friend she's most likely to be late all the time. When I got by her house she wasn't even close to getting ready so I waited. I was really hoping that school would call of because I really didn't want my hair to get messed up and wet, and I don't like to get sick. Anyway while I was waiting for her for like forever she finally was ready.

Like ten minutes after, the bus arrived. The bus had a few people on it. It was like majority of teens didn't want to go school. The bus driver  didn't even got far. He stopped the bus and said he's turning around because he got a call saying that school called off. I was mad because I had tests to do and I was happy because  I could watch Netflix all day.

So I was in my bed sitting watching Free Rein and I got hungry, so I order chicken pasta. When I got it I open the crate and that was like so awful there wasn't enough sauce, the pasta was hard, I didn't enjoy it like how I normally does. Then power went so yea I my day wasn't great.


  1. You should let me bring you some chicken pasta to make your day but anyways great blog I loved it

    1. Lol like you would come all the way up here to bring me chicken pasta, and Thanks💓

    2. Rhianna its my job to buy her food

    3. I would come all the way up there and two Zachury shut up


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